Enablement Netzwerk
Transformational processes need people who take ownership.
Many executives, teams and organizations are confronted with the same challenge: Designing transformations in an efficient and flexible manner so that they can have a sustaining effect.
Our answer
Structures are needed that enable new forms of cooperation and a (working) environment in which individual skills are developed and promoted. Above all, it requires one thing: the willingness to assume responsibility in and for change.
Our goal
Creating an environment that makes it easy for people to take ownership.
Our approach
Creating an integral view of the organization: The necessary skills for a successful transformation are almost always present in the collective - we just have to ensure that they can develop.
Wer benötigt was
in der agilen Transformation?
Unsere Strategien im Umgang mit komplexen Situationen sind vielfältig
und individuell. Das Modell von Spiral Dynamics Integral unterstützt uns dabei, die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse, unsere sogenannte psychosoziale DNA zu verstehen - und individuell darauf einzugehen.
Unser Ansatz
Eine integrale Betrachtung der Organisation: Die notwendigen Fähigkeiten für eine erfolgreiche Transformation
sind im Kollektiv nahezu immer schon vorhanden – wir müssen nur dafür sorgen, dass sie ihre Wirksamkeit entfalten können.
Wie Veränderung nachhaltig zum Erfolg führt
Erfolgreiche Transformationen setzen an drei zentralen Punkten an
Individuelle Denk- und Herangehensweisen
Persönliche Bereitschaft, zu Reflektieren und zu Lernen
Strukturen, die Rahmen und Stabilität geben
In diesen drei Bereichen fördern wir Eigenverantwortung sowie kollektive Verantwortung. Unser Ziel: ungenutzte Potenziale heben, die für eine nachhaltige Transformation dringend gebraucht werden.
Für den nachhaltigen Erfolg unserer Arbeit setzen wir auf eine enge Kollaboration mit internen Expert:innen wie zum Beispiel Transformationsbegleiter:innen, Management Teams, Human Ressources Spezialisten, internen Kommunikationsexpert:innen und (agilen) Coaches.
Dabei kommt uns eins zugute: wir wissen aus eigener Erfahrung um die interne Perspektive eines Veränderungsprozesses.
ways of thinking and beliefs
Neurobiological research shows that we (human beings) are able to adapt our thought structures to increasing complexity. Meaning pushing our own boundaries and rewriting what is actually possible.
Willingness to reflect and learn
Complexity quickly questions our existing knowledge and pushes our tried-and-tested capabilities to its limits: new, complementary approaches are needed that increase our competence in dealing with complexity.
framework and stability
Processes, methods, and proven practices show ways to test new thought structures and expand existing skills in systems.
The network
... is the authentic answer to increasing complexity. We are convinced that different expertise and perspectives are needed to meet the challenges of the VUCA* world. In many areas, the success of people and organizations depends on how well they can deal with the uncertainties and complexities in their environment.
When it comes to solving complex issues, the concept of “right or wrong” increasingly leads to a dead end – different perspectives are needed – and this is exactly where we come in with a wide range of expertise and an integral approach.
* The English acronym "VUCA" stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity.
What we offer
... is not the only true solution. Instead, we concentrate on what might be the right step within a specific situation. There is no such thing as one right solution. We consider the system, the people and specific situation to derive with you as the customer the fit-for-purpose solution.
Because we are convinced that the time of universal concepts and so-called best practices is over. Instead, we work with a 360-degree all-round view of the four central elements of a change project.
Ways of thinking and approaches
How do we develop individually so that we can independently and consciously keep up with the developments around us? What changes in my value system are pending that will make it easier for me to deal with the current challenges?
#agilecoaching #businesscoaching #LCP®coaching
Willingness to reflect and learn
And: How do we create conditions in which relevant skills can be expanded or newly developed?
#agileteams #integralleadership
Framework and stability
What does an organization need to adapt individually to a rapidly changing environment? Which structures promote real collaboration and interaction as well as taking responsibility so that change is actually possible?
#scrum #leanmanagement #selforganization #organizationaldevelopment
collaboration and communication
What kind of cooperation, leadership and communication helps in the specific change situation? How do we enable real collaboration - on site and digitally, so that individual and collective rethinking becomes possible?
#change #transformation #agileteamdevelopment #graphicrecording
How we work
... can be summarized quickly: together, on equal terms and in close collaboration with our clients driven by a customized and aligned timeline. We are pragmatic, get involved and let ourselves be measured by the result. We benefit from diverse backgrounds and competencies of our team. We live what we always emphasize in our projects: the positive aspects of diversity. The time has come for a network that truly deserves its name!
Who we are
... needs to be explained in more detail: We come from international companies and well-known consultancies, have successfully accompanied a wide variety of change processes or were part of them ourselves. We are coaches, trainers, consultants, mentors, and sparring partners - for teams, individual players and top management.
Our perspectives are diverse.
However, us unites one common understanding. Our understanding that wherever people work together, there is a higher need besides providing a strategy being used to deal with complexity. Organizational charts, reporting lines and metrics are nothing if individuals cannot reach their potential to effectively deal with change and complexity. Our basic conviction is also our key to success: real collaboration, in which everyone contributes their individual know-how and experience.
The team